11:22 AM

Happy 2016!!!!!!! Did any of your 2015 new year’s resolutions happen? Do you want a more effective way of achieving your goals? Might I suggest a Vision Board?

 What is a vision board?
It is basically a board with your goals pictured out. A picture of your preferable future which helps you envision how you want your life to be. It helps you focus on achieving those goals and being successful.

What goes on your vision board?
You can put anything you want on the board: financial, Saving, hopes to travel, career goals, family, children or how you want your home to be, fitness… Whatever you want to achieve in this year, the board gives you that visual that to keeps you motivated.
 How to Host a vision board party
This is a fun little get together that you can do with your friends, family, coworkers, church small group, or anyone you think needs vision in their life. All you have to do is ask whoever you invite to bring a bunch of magazines, so you have plenty of material to choose from. It doesn’t have to be a specific kind, the more variety the better. You could also ask that they bring quotes that inspire them. If you are hosting, you can provide glue, poster boards, glitter, stickers, scissors and snacks. You will take time to go through the magazines, cutting out pictures, words or phrases that inspire you and that go in line with your vision. After that you can go ahead and stick these in whatever way to your board.

Watch your Vision come to Life

Clearly just having a Vision board isn’t enough to make it happen, but it does give you the focus and gets you to build steps towards your goals. Also if you are hosting a party, I encourage each one at the party to present their board to the rest. There is power in your words and what you speak out, comes into existence. Also this is a great way for you to be accountable to each other. Check up on each other. Sometimes the things you want to accomplish, someone already has, and they can help you towards your goals.

I hope this has encouraged you to have a vision for your 2016 and an excitement to see your goals come to life!

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