7:38 AM

It's no secret me and my husband have committed to date night every Friday. Ever since we got married we said we would not stop doing the things we enjoyed doing together. Going on dates was one of them. We promised ourselves Friday was our day and no matter what, it was the day dedicated to give unconditional attention to each other.

But do we run out of things to do? Maybe LOL but the point isn't on the things but on us/you. Sharing is caring so here are 5 things of many that we do for date night:

1. SET A DATE - I mean it should be obvious but when you actually set a date you have something to look forward to. We decided on Friday, your day may be Saturday or Sunday or any time of the week where you can break away and just have some time together.
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2. DINNER - This is one of the most common things to do for date night, but it is definitely something to do. We like to try out different restaurants, some are repeat restaurants, others are new. It really doesn't have  to be anything expensive, it could be high end if you can afford it or it could be a hole in the wall

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3. WATCH A MOVIE - Another easy common date night idea to do. This can be on the big screen on Netflix. One is cheaper than the other, but the choices are plenty

4. TAKE A WALK - People spend long hours cooped up indoors and driving here and there and unless you have an active lifestyle, walking may be something you don't do. Try it out, take a short walk around the neighborhood holding hands enjoying each other's company. Easiest thing you can do
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5. TALK - I am not a big talker but I enjoy winding down the week, reflecting and debriefing and just having a good conversation. This for me is one of the biggest things to do because it helps with communication in a relationship and it keeps you connected.

So there you have it. These are small things that could help you bring your date night back to life. What you do isn't important. Who you do it with is.

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