How to stay motivated

11:26 AM

I can't lie. Staying motivated is a constant struggle for me. I have my high moments and I have many low moments, but I am making the conscience effort to not stay in the lows too long. One of the habits I have adopted is listening to people who inspire and motivate. Podcasts I guess are the thing. Some of my tops right now are of course my church pastor, John Siebling who brings a practical bible based word every Sunday, TD Jakes, Tony Robbins and most recent  addition is Les Brown. My list is not really limited to these, but currently, these people are who are feeding my soul in this season.

I don't take any credit for these tips but thought they were powerful and practical enough for me to jot them down to remember and definitely to share. These were off's Les Browns "Keys to self-motivation" and they couldn't have come at a better time.

The key questions he asked were:

Are you feeling fulfilled or are you just doing time?
What is your mental attitude?
Is your environment what you want it to be?
Your relationships are they nourishing or are they toxic?
Actions. What are you giving if you left the universe today what will you be known for?

How to motivate yourself
·         Be involved in achieving self-mastery. Self-improvement. Self-development. Don’t settle
·         Develop a good health plan. When you feel good, you do good.
·         Live life with energy and passion. Leave dead people alone LOL
·        Monitor your inner conversations. Stand up to yourself inside yourself. Shut down your inner negative conversation
·         What do I want out of life. How will you know when you got your life. What do you truly want? Write it down.
·         See yourself there. Visualize yourself THERE. See yourself with the challenge already resolved
·         Know why you are doing it. Why do you deserve your goal
·         Whatever you do develop technical mastery. Be the best at what you do. Strong sense of competence
·         Recognize the fact that you will encounter a great deal of failure. Be relentless. Many doors will be closed in your face. Be Fearless and refuse to be denied.
·         Be willing to go into action. Don’t wait for things to be ideal or perfect. It will never be ideal
·         Find a cause larger than yourself. Find something you can contribute to. Give your time and talents
·         Create a home court advantage. Be aware of who you have around you. Have friends who will grow you. Your relationships can either enrich you or drain you.
·         Say yes to your life, your dreams, to you.
I hope this encourages and motivates you on your way to achieving your life goals as much as it did me. 


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