Monde's Monday Threads

11:29 AM

This Monday  I had to remind myself that everyone starts from somewhere, but the most important thing is to START. I believe each one of us has been equipped with gifts unique to us that only we were made to do. They may look like others gifts but there is something special about how YOU will present this to the world. Only YOU were purposed with it.

My struggle has been intimidation because I feel and see that so many people are doing what I can do and so I don't even bother starting. The thought of people having all these resources or lists of things you should do before you start can be crippling, but the reminder comes in because at the beginning of it all you had nothing I had nothing. No resource, no list just a gift you have been born with. And in essence this truly tells you You have everything you need to start, so just do it. Just start.

So here is to kicking fear, insecurity, inadequacy out and holding on to that Gift God gave you and gifting it back to the world. Start where you are, Use what you have and Do what you can!!!

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